peacock button picture

peacock button picture

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My very first post

Hello!  This is my very first attempt at writing a blog.  I plan to record my sewing journey for the following year.  You see, I bought a sewing calendar for 2011 which has the viewer sew a different project every 3 to 4 days.  All of the projects can also be found on-line and of course I will give credit to the creators.  None of these are my own creations, but as with most sewers, they will have my own twist on the original.  Most of the projects from the calendar I love, but some…not so much.  Since I seem to spend hours on the web reading other people’s blogs and collecting sewing ideas I want to make, I made it my New Year’s Resolution to make all the projects from the calendar that I love and on the days there is one I am not so crazy about, I will make one of those saved stacks of  projects I have been collecting for the past year. My two new obsessions seem to be pin cushions and fabric baskets, so expect to hear about those some days. I hope you will go on this journey with me and be my encourager.  Who knows – I might even inspire you to use your creative side more!


  1. Can't wait to see those projects! This might inspire some of the rest of us, too, so get to sewing, and then post lots of pics. :) Mary

  2. very cool will have fun seeing who follows your blog..people from all over as they hop from one sewer's blog to another and end up on yours. You will have the most fun of all!!

  3. Yay, Mom! You are embracing technology!;) Can you pllleeeeaaassee post directions and pictures of how to sew a button back on a coat? I've had my THIRD button pop off, and I can't mail you my coat! LOVE YOU!
